Saturday, September 26, 2009

President Lorenzana & Birthday

Presidente and Hermana Lorenzana are amazing. He was a stake president before he got his call i think. He is really funny and knows the scriptures really well. Elder Saurey told me one time that he said that everything he wanted in this life he has and everything he didn't want in this life he doesn't have. When we use our agency correctly and fight for what we want, we are blessed with the blessing to do it. When we don't use our agency wisely or to the best of our ability we cannot make all the decisions that we want to make. I just thought that was pretty cool to think about. He talks a lot about his mission and when he didn't have work for 7 years. Serving a full-time mission, always looking for new ways to find and teach people and other times when it was tough helped him out in those 7 years. I bet he didn't stop looking for a great job or didn't complain in those 7 years with his family. He knows there is always something better and that we will be blessed if we follow the prophets and follow our leaders in the times that we need it the most.
They´re both really funny and President just speaks it how it is and throws a little humor into it at times too. You know he means business but at the same time you know that he cares for you.

Hey family-

So its kind of weird to think about but i will not be a teenager anymore. Those years have passed. Now I'm off to bigger and better things in this huge world. We´ll see how it goes. This week was really good. We planned as a companionship and set goals for a lot of things we want to do and change. I think that will help us a lot with focusing why we´re here. We talked about if one doesn't set goals, then they´ll just go through the motions living in the present and if one sets goals they know what they want to do and what they want to become. One of our goals is to leave every night and work in our area. Lately our past 3 lessons have been at a members house with THEM inviting a friend over and sharing what we know. We taught this one girl, Sandra and she is 16 and she basically knew everything was true and she knows that we need to have a prophet lead us today. It was a great lesson. I don't think it was us but it was the missionaries who taught her almost 2 years ago and the members just inviting a friend over. They told us they had a FHE with her one Monday and then the second visit was with us. Elder Saurey and I just knew that she was getting it and she said she would go to church, but to also go and hear conference. We have 5 missionaries in our area and it seems to working our really good.
To be completely honest I'm more excited for conference than my birthday. Conference just has a new meaning for me because i think I'm in a different mind set doing different things than before. I really like it and it should be really good. I hope all is well and that you guys have a great week. Give my best to Dean and the family.

Elder Larson

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