Monday, July 20, 2009

Erik's first mis-translation :) (July 20, 2009)

Hey mom-

Hope all is well and you guys are staying busy.

This week has been a great week. Sandra got married on Monday and we had a baptism for her on Saturday. It was great. We have another one set for this Friday and maybe another the day after. We had a good Sunday.

Bautismo por Sandra Lopez (18/7/09)

Look how dog gone cute she is! Erik is 5'11. She must be about 4'8"......

I'm so happy for her. And it's fun to see the picture of the Quetzeltenango Temple in the background. I bet the people are so excited! (Diane)

Talked with the president here and were on the same page right now. Its always nice to know whats going on. Was another fast week. We had two elders work in our area this week. They re in a group called the elite team and they travel all throughout the mission to help the other missionaries. It was fun working with him. His companion goes home in 2 weeks. I cant imagine that!

But i sent a letter through pouch but who knows if it got to you.

Elder Cedeño is from Ecuador and his birthday was on Thursday. We bought him a cake and had birthday candles, but the thing was the candles lite up again after you blow them out. You think you got them all and then they lite back up again. Pretty funny.

Oh and i have a funny story. I wanted to have my pants shortened and we knew a guy who did that so we gave my pants to him. It was the husband of Sandra and he said it was going to be free. But i really wanted to pay him so i said, yo quero pegar usted, which means i want to hit you. If you want to say i want to pay you, you say yo quero pagar usted. One letter off and it means something entirely different. Kind of funny.

Just wanted to share that and that were off to Xela today. Don't know what exactly were doing but i might see a doctor. But who knows.

Hope you all have a great week and that all is well.

Elder Larson

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